In accordance with their membership and activity scale, the organizations of Pencak Silat are grouped into three categories, that is perguruan Pencak Silat, national organization of Pencak Silat and international organization of Pencak Silat.

The Perguruan of Pencak Silat

Perguruan is the smallest organization of Pencak Silat. Other names of perguruan in Indonesia are paguron (West Java and Central Java) and padepokan (Central Java). In a certain country outside the native countries of Pencak Silat, perguruan is also called Pencak Silat institution, school or club. Perguruans as organization have members consisting of the citizens of the countries where those perguruans exist. The total members of a perguruan may be only several persons and my be hundred of thousand persons. The spreading area of a perguruan can possibly be in a small district only but there are also such an area which covers a great part of its country. Basically, the purpose of the perguruan is to perpetuate, develop and socialize Pencak Silat and its values. The achievement of these goals is mainly obtained through educational efforts and activities and promotion. (Pencak Silat – Self Defense Arts of Indonesia, G. Groot & Drs. Notosoejitno, page 51)

List of Famous Perguruan


Putri Betawi
Garuda Jisai
Keluaraga Pencak Silat Nusantara
Merpatih Putih
Bangau Putih
Pager Kancana
Mande Muda
Phasadja Mataram
Tapak Suci
Setia Hati Terate
Perisai Diri
Nahdlatul Ulama Pagar Nusa (LPSNU Pagar Nusa)
Pencak Angkatan Muda Rasionil (PAMUR)
Al-Azhar Seni Bela Diri (ASBD)
Persaudaraan Pencak Silat Salamun Alaykum (PPSSA)
Naga Putih Jokotole (Jokotole)
Bakti Negara
Kertha Wisesa


There are 464 Perguruan in Malaysia

Seni Gayung
Lincah malysia
Cekak malysia
Gayung fatani
cekak harimau

Information taken from Pencak Silat – Self Defense Arts of Indonesia, G. Groot & Drs. Notosoejitno, page 51)